A Song of Youth Full of Love and Care


——Successful opening of the launching ceremony for T&W Volunteer Station

On 10th May, the Company held a grand launching ceremony for T&W Volunteer Station with the presence of Wang Dawei, Chairman and Party Secretary, Qi Jianzhong, Chairman of the Trade Union, Hu Zumin, Deputy General Manager, Long Xiaojing, Director of Human Resources; Li Jinglin, R&D Director, Yan Zewang, supervisor of Workers’ Congress, and the leaders from Nanshan Volunteer Association and Youth League of Investment Promotion Bureau, worker representatives of every division, representatives of the Mutual Assistance Fund and the communication team, as well as the backbone employees.

At the meeting, leaders of Nanshan Volunteer Association presented a flag to the Volunteer Station. Standing under the flag, all the volunteers took a solemn pledge, marking the Company’s formal commitment to repaying the community. It is reported that Xie Lining and Zhang Ting will respectively serve as the director and vice director of the Volunteer Station. The Station consists of three teams, namely T&W Volunteer Team for Newcomers (employees within trial period), T&W Volunteer Team for Staff and T&W Volunteer Team for Party Members. Yu Qiang and Wang Minggui will serve as the leader of the teams for staff and party members respectively. Prior to 10th May when the ceremony was opened, there were 94 members officially joining in T&W Volunteer Station.

Chairman Wang delivered a speech at the meeting, congratulating on the establishment of the Station and bringing forward several requirements on how to perform volunteer duties. He called for every T&W volunteer to develop a sense of mission and responsibility, proactively learn more skills to become a better volunteer, and earnestly perform the Company’s mission of "repaying to the community". Mr. Wang also mentioned that as a team consisting of relatively outstanding members, the Volunteer Station would receive continuous support from the Company.

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