In the early June, “Children’s Day” and volunteer teachers from the subsidiaries in the four places went to eight T&W hope primary schools, brought festival greetings to children, over 550,000 RMB materials and donated funds including love bags for each pupil, prizes for excellent students, Flower Project and Project of True Emotion of Book Fragrance were delivered to them.
The teacher volunteer delegation investigated current conditions of the schools on the site, participated in selecting students for “Flying Hope” Summer Camp at the first time, visited families of students in poverty or extreme poverty, learned about conditions and helped families in difficulties. After the delegation returned, volunteer teachers stayed in seven hope primary schools in Xishui, Wanyuan, Mabian, Xizhou, Eryuan, Zhenping and Lixian, and taught the courses such as Computer Application, Safety Knowledge, Traditional Chinese Knowledge as well as Culture and Arts etc.