197/10000 实时翻译 197/10000年南京工程大学信息与通信学院党委书记张启成莅临公司交流 划译 Zhang Qicheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Information and Communication at Nanjing University of Engineering, Visited the Company for Exchange


On the afternoon of May 8th, Zhang Qicheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Information and Communication at Nanjing University of Engineering, Lu Na, Vice Dean Zhang Jian, Director of the Department of Communication Engineering Yang Weibo, Deputy Director of the Department of Electronic Information Engineering Zhao Jing, and Sun Li, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, as well as counselors and teachers, visited the company to conduct school enterprise exchanges with Vice General Manager Long Xiaojing, General Manager of the Human Resources Administration Center Chen Kai, Senior Director of the R&D Platform Yi Wanchun, Director of the Taicang Factory Shu Zhijin, Director of the Human Resources Department Liu Jing, Administrative Director Wang Liangjie, Manager of the Testing Department Quan Chenggen, and alumni representatives.

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