The Company Was Awarded the Honor of 2012 Top 100 Industrial Enterprise in Shenzhen


Recently, Shenzhen Economic and Trade Commission and Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Statistics jointly publicized the list of 2012 Top 100 Industrial Enterprises in Shenzhen based on an appraisal of all industrial enterprises in Shenzhen. Among the enterprises being awarded the honor, nearly 70% were communication and IT companies, such as Huawei and ZTE. By facing up to the difficulties in today’s highly competitive communication and IT industry, including the sluggish foreign market and slowdown of domestic economy, our company witnesses continuous growth in terms of various economic indicators. For example, our incomes from main business increased by more than 25% in 2012. Relying on the stable growth which we’ve achieved in past years, the company has been awarded the honor of Top 100 Industrial Enterprise in Shenzhen for three consecutive years, with the ranking raising year by year (ranking the 70th, the 54th and the 48th repectively in 2010, 2011 and 2012). These achievements are in perfect accord with the company’s development plan, proving the accuracy of its strategy and guideline.

The Top 100 Industrial Enterprises in Shenzhen are selected based on an overall evaluation of the operating income, industrial output value, profit and other indicators of the companies in Shenzhen. As a major force promoting the development of industrial economy in Shenzhen, the evaluation is greatly emphasized by the Shenzhen government authorities at all levels, and is used as a basis to determine and implement the supporting policies and measures for industrial enterprises. The honor acknowledged the achievements we’ve made last year and will certainly encourage us to pursue further and faster development in 2013.

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