Taicang T&W Was Titled as “Excellent Credible and Law-abiding Enterprise”


After winning the two honors including “Ten Top Hi-tech Output Value Enterprise” and “Ten Top Industrial Taxpaying Enterprise”, Taicang T&W was re-titled as “Excellent Credible and Law-abiding Enterprise” in April. 

Credible and law-abiding enterprises are assessed by Suzhou City Economic & Information Technology Commission and Suzhou Leading Team for Governing the City according to Laws and the honor commends enterprises which operate and manage according to laws and have perfect governance structures of legal persons, have domestic management, perfect open systems of factory affairs, smooth mechanism and harmonious labor relations under leadership of their party organizations, observe disciplines and laws, are honest and credible for their market trading conducts, carry out due obligations consciously and shoulder social responsibilities actively as well as shape law-abiding, credible and responsible images in the whole society. The granting of the honor fully reflects the government and society cognize T&W Electronics and the company has perfect management systems and strong development foundations. 

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